Helping you
Supporting you and your family
We support former mineworkers, their wives, partners, widows, dependent children and adult dependents with a disability. Our services provide tailored packages of support and are free of charge.
How can we help you?
- A confidential home visiting service delivered by our experienced teams
- Advice on mining related issues including illness and disability
- Help to access mobility equipment including walking aids and wheelchairs
- Reducing lonliness and social isolation
- Advocacy to enable you to express your views and concerns, and defend and promote your rights

- Practical support around end of life planning including financial planning, power of attorney, wills and funerals
- Emotional support through loss and bereavement, illness and caring responsibilities
- Assistance with welfare benefit applications and industry related compensation schemes
- Financial assistance in times of need through CISWO grants or assistance through other agencies and charities
- Access to CISWO educational grants for former mineworkers and their dependent children.

If you would like to hear more about these services, or talk to us about receiving support for yourself or someone else, please contact us.
Further support is available from partner agencies through our further help and resources page below.