Elderly people holding hands

Managing grief

Grief can leave you feeling lost, uncertain, or unsure of how to move forward. Everyone’s experience is different, and finding the right support is essential. That’s why we’ve partnered with bereavement charity AtaLoss to provide compassionate guidance and practical resources to help you through this difficult time. Whether you’re searching for answers, a listening ear, or just a place to start, we are here to help.

The death of someone important in our lives can leave us feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to turn. Grief affects each of us differently, and it can touch many parts of our lives:

  • Emotionally: feelings of sadness, anger, or even numbness.
  • Physically: exhaustion, sleep issues, or changes in appetite.
  • Practically: coping with legal matters, finances, or day-to-day responsibilities.
  • Relationally: adjusting to new dynamics with family and friends.

CISWO’s personal welfare team, alongside AtaLoss, offers tailored help to support you through grief:

  • Visit ataloss.org to find local and national resources, including therapy services, peer support groups, and bereavement-friendly community activities.
  • The Bereavement Journey®: access the AtaLoss bereavment support programme, available online and in local community venues.
  • Specialist support for former coalmining families: advice and assistance for financial challenges, benefits, and accessing community care services specific to former coal miners and their families.
  • Bereavement-friendly groups: accessing local groups in local places to support you.

If you or someone you know is in need of help with end of life support, estate planning, support through bereavement, or to access any of our services, contact our personal welfare team today.

Main Contact Form

Our partner AtaLoss provide a comprehensive bereavement and grief support website, providing resources to help individuals navigate their loss.

Access the AtaLoss bereavement support programme, available online and in local community veunes.

Talk to a free bereavement counsellor through our partner Ataloss 9am-9pm Monday-Friday.

Our partner, Octopus Legacy offer practical guidance following the loss of a loved one.

white wall with photos of the family in various photo frames

Practical steps to take following a death.

Small bouquet of blue forget-me-not flowers with old book on the wooden background.

Practical steps to arrange a meaningful celebration for a loved one.