Small bouquet of blue forget-me-not flowers with old book on the wooden background.

Arranging a funeral

Saying goodbye to a loved one is never easy, but you don’t have to face it alone. This page will guide you through each step, offering the support to help you plan a meaningful and affordable farewell. Whether you need guidance, inspiration, or a listening ear, we are here to help you focus on what matters most.

  • Understand your loved ones wishes: these may be contained in a will or pre-paid funeral plan. Talk to family members about any preferences that were expressed.
  • Seek support: speak to family and friends. Discuss decisions and share the emotional and practical responsibility.
  • Manage costs: know the budget for the funeral before agreeing arrangements with a funeral director or other services so that you can plan within available funds.
  • Assess financial provision: check if savings, life insurance, or prepaid plans are available to cover the expenses. CISWO can help you to budget and ensure that you get all financial support that is available to you.
  • Responsibility for costs: once arrangements are confirmed, you will be responsible for paying the bill. Before doing that contact CISWO for help to explore options available to you. Funerals can be expensive but there are ways to keep costs down whilst still planning a meaningful celebration.
  • Consider professional help: a funeral director can help you with the practicalities and arrangements.

If you are on a low income or receiving benefits, you may qualify for:

  • Funeral Expenses Payment (via DWP in England and Wales).
  • Funeral Support Payment (via Social Security Scotland).
  • Grant assistance from CISWO and /or from other charitable bodies.
  • Certain funds can only be accessed before funeral bills are paid, so it is helpful to contact us before settling the bill to explore your options or to access the above assistance.
picture of three cabbage white butterflies flying in the air over a field

CISWO, in partnership with bereavement support charity AtaLoss, provides compassionate support and guidance to help you navigate the emotional challenges of grief.

Learn more about how we can assist you with the loss of a loved one.

If you or someone you know is in need of help following the loss of a loved one, or to access any of our services, contact us today. Our trained team is here to help you.

Main Contact Form

Our partner, Octopus Legacy offer informative guidance around funeral planning and costs.

Our partner AtaLoss provide a comprehensive bereavement and grief support website, providing resources to help individuals navigate their loss.

Access the AtaLoss bereavement support programme, available online and in local community veunes.

Dandelion seed pod in a beautiful background

The NAFD are a regulatory body for Funeral Directors in the UK. Their website also offers guidance around arranging a funeral.

Dandelion seed pod in a beautiful background

SAIF are a professional organisation for Funeral Directors in the UK.

Three cabbage white butterflies flying in the air over a field

Support in dealing with bereavement and grief.

white wall with photos of the family in various photo frames

Practical steps to take following a death.