Improving Lives


Educational grant for student

Posted: 01-12-23

As part of our mission to reduce disadvantage for ex-coalminers, their dependents and within ex-coalmining communities, we provide grants to support those who were employed in the coal mining industry of Great Britain (where they have completed the required length of service) and children of such former employees, where they are financially dependant on parents, through higher education. 


This includes any full-time courses in higher education such as degree courses, and Higher National Diplomas.


Jessica, has been in receipt of a CISWO educational support grant each year since she began her studies in 2018.


Jessica is studying to be a vet at the Royal Veterinary College - University of London. Her father previously worked as a miner at Grimethorpe colliery but sadly he passed away in 2015.


Jessica told us what the grant meant for her and how without it, she would not have been able to complete her degree. 


“CISWO has provided me with first class support throughout my entire degree and their funding has enabled me to be fully equipped and make themost out of my learning. 


The grant has helped me pay for lots of essential equipment required for my course, such as a stethoscope, scrub tops, professional clothing etc.Without these essentials I would not have been able to partake in practical workshops and placement necessary for completing the course. 


Without CISWO and their support I would not have gotten this far in my degree. What a fantastic organisation providing support for students from underprivileged backgrounds wanting to achieve their dreams.”


If you are a former mine worker or dependent on low income, click here to see how we could help you on your journey to higher education.